Colours of Malaysia 2018: Culinary MasterClass

02. October 2018
Colours of Malaysia 2018: Culinary MasterClass
Colours of Malaysia 2018: Culinary MasterClass
Colours of Malaysia 2018: Culinary MasterClass
Colours of Malaysia 2018: Culinary MasterClass
Colours of Malaysia 2018: Culinary MasterClass

The Colours of Malaysia 2018 programme ended with the Culinary MasterClass held on 29 September 2018 at the Radisson Collection Hotel Old Mill Belgrade.

In the spirit of the intercultural exchange between Malaysia and Serbia presented throughout the five-day event of the Colours of Malaysia 2018 programme, the Culinary MasterClass was conducted by the Malaysian Celebrity Chef Dato’ Ismail Ahmad and Serbian Celebrity Chef Sasa Misic and participated by the local chefs, teachers and students from the higher and secondary hospitality schools.

Chef Ismail Ahmad showed the audiences on how to prepare Nasi Goreng Kampung (Kampung fried rice) and Kuih Ketayap (crepes sweet coconut filling) popular Malaysian delicacies, while Chef Sasa Misic demonstrated the preparation of Cordial Regards from Sumadija (caramelised beef liver with fruits and vegetables) and the Playful Embrace of the South (fried breaded pear coated with milk and  honey).     

During the Culinary MasterClass, the participants had the opportunity to exchange culinary knowledge and recipes with both of the Chefs, sampled the prepared dishes and enjoyed the traditional Malaysian and Serbian dance performances by Chenderawasih, the Embassy’s cultural troupe, and Siljkan Serbian cultural troupe).

The Colours of Malaysia 2018 was supported by the Radisson Collection Hotel Old Mill Belgrade and Air Serbia.

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